Woodland Skills Training and Grants

Woodland Grants

Our Grants Scheme is available to landowners who would like to restore important woodland heritage features, or who are interested in re-introducing positive management to see the difference it makes for wildlife and our landscape. 

These grants are available to landowners where we can provide 100% grants for helping to restore important woodland heritage features, such as woodland banks or ancient deer pales, to sustain them into the future. We are also offering 50% grant funding for selective thinning where landowners are encouraged to trial the reintroduction of positive management to see what difference it makes for wildlife, landscape and the aesthetic benefits of those using it. You can read more about these grant opportunities in our Guidance Document 

For more information about the Woodland Grants scheme, email chaseandchalke@cranbornechase.org.uk

forest event

Woodland Skills Training Opportunities Programme 

The Chase & Chalke Woodland Skills Training Programme has now been completed. 

The Woodland Skills Training Programme focused on commercial accredited qualifications as well as more traditional woodland management skills and will enable trainees and volunteers to gain a vast amount of hand-on experience.

Brushcutter and Chainsaw Training 

Volunteer Brushcutter

Brushcutters and chainsaws are key tools for managing environments and practical conservation in and around the landscape.


Coppicing and Spar Making

Hedgelaying image

Please enquire to find out more.

Held in the stunning countryside around the National Landscape, the sessions could cover cutting and extracting suitable timber from a hazel coppice, uses for coppiced timber, protecting hazel stumps and splitting and sharpening the ‘gads’ (hazel sticks) to create spars for thatching.

Woodland Skills Training Programme

Our Woodland Training programme features a variety of traditional and useful skills. Here are some examples of training that were on offer:

  • Brushcutter & Trimmer Training
  • Maintenance and Cross Cutting (Chainsaw)
  • Hurdle making
  • Hedge laying
  • Continuous woven fencing
  • Basic bushcraft, fire making, cordage and foraging
  • Coppice management, products and markets
  • Hay rake making
  • Peg making
  • Stakes / binder making
  • Charcoal production
  • Thatching spars
  • Shrink pots
  • Gypsy pegs
  • Tree felling
  • Spoon carving
  • Stool and bench building
  • Wood turning
  • Green wood working from small pieces

How to Get Involved

Our Woodland Training Skills Programme is now completed, and no further training will be taking place.