The Cranborne Chase National Landscape Management Plan 2019 – 2024 has been reviewed during 2024. From January 16 and 27 February 2025, the draft Management Plan is available to be shared and commented upon.
We are aware this is a large document to go through, but the National Landscape Partnership Board would really appreciate your input by commenting on this draft. Feel free to skip to sections only most relevant to yourself.
Complete the Management Plan consultation survey here
Such a special place requires careful and considered management by all who have a responsibility towards it. The purpose of the Cranborne Chase National Landscape designation is to ‘conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area’.
Once any changes are approved by the Partnership after this consultation, the Management Plan will be presented to the local authorities and Natural England. The Local Authorities need to formally adopt the Plan as policies within the Plan are those of the constituent Local Authorities. The National Landscape Management Plan will become ‘live’ from 1st April 2025.
The Management Plan sets out the ambitions and approach for managing Cranborne Chase National Landscape, not the projects and initiatives designed to deliver them; the Delivery Plan will come next…
Some of the background information about this designated area can be found here:
• The State of the National Landscape Report
• The current National Landscape Management Plan 2019 – 2024
Responses should be returned by 5:00pm on 27 February 2025.
Q: Why are you developing a Management Plan?
A: The primary legislation relating to National Landscapes is set out in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act). This legislation uses the original term for National Landscapes, ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ (AONB).
The Act includes provisions on the designation of AONBs, sets out requirements for the publication of an AONB Management Plan and provides that the single purpose of AONBs is to ‘conserve and enhance of the natural beauty of the area’.
We have a statutory duty to produce a Management Plan every five years. The current management plan is for the period 2019 – 2024.
Q: Where can I find more information about the requirements of the Management Plan?
A: If you would like to learn more about the Management Plan process and requirements, you can read technical guidance from Natural England here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/areas-of-outstanding-natural-beauty-aonbs-designation-and-management
Q: Who is currently represented on the Cranborne Chase National Landscape Partnership Board?
• Wiltshire Council
• Dorset Council
• Hampshire County Council
• Somerset Council
• New Forest District Council
• Natural England
• Forestry Commission
• CPRE, The Countryside Charity
• National Farmers Union
• Country Land and Business Association
• Wiltshire Association of Local Councils
• Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils
Q: Is the area a National Landscape or an AONB?
A: In November 2023, all 46 Areas of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB) in England and Wales adopted a new name, National Landscapes. National Landscapes still retain the AONB designation and all the legal protections under the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000 and the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023.
Guidance on the Consultation Survey:
Before completing this survey, please read this guidance:
- The numbering/bullet format is not 100% correct or consistent. We are aware of this and it will be rectified before final design; appendices will be numbered/added to as per any comments received. After the consultation period, the whole Plan will undergo a full design process to include photographs, maps and other visual aids.
- The draft National Landscape Management Plan 2025-2030 covers key themes of nature, climate, people and place. When designed and published, the Plan will include icons/symbols to highlight how the content aligns with those 4 themes.
- Please add any comments, suggested changes to wording, any omissions/additions required via the survey that follows. All comments will be logged and actions taken on those comments will be stated and justified.
- Please add page number and/or paragraph to indicate the sentence(s) you are commenting on.
Thank you very much for your time.
If you have any further queriers, please contact lindanunn@cranbornechase.org.uk
Please note: there is not the ability to save this form while you are filling it out, so to ensure that data is not lost, please draft any lengthy responses on a separate document.
Complete the Management Plan consultation survey here
To ensure you are one of the first to hear when the Management Plan 2025 -2030 is published, and for events and news from the National Landscape, please sign up to receive our regular online newsletters.