Planning Protocol

The Planning Protocol sets out how the Cranborne Chase National Landscape Partnership and Local Planning Authorities engage on planning matters which affect the National Landscape.
How we can help

Cranborne Chase National Landscape is not a planning authority, so questions on planning legislation and processes should be directed to the relevant local planning authority below.

Wiltshire Planning and Building Control

Dorset Planning  Authority

Hampshire Planning Authority

Somerset Planning Authority

New Forest Planning Authority

View of village (Stourpaine) in National Landscape
Stourpaine, Dorset. © Jamie Randall

The National Landscape team can provide advice and information, where needed, to help applicants meet our mission to conserve and enhance this designated nationally important landscape, in-line with our adopted Management Plan. We are happy to engage in basic pre-application advice on development proposals. Larger, more sensitive, or more complex development proposals may benefit from our supplementary pre-application advice system.

If you need support with a planning application, download our guidance below in the first instance, and see our other planning resources.

If after reading our resources you still need help, get in touch with our planning team on or call 01725 517417.

Find more help and information by reading our Planning Resources