Right Tree, Right Place

Trees are a vital feature of Cranborne Chase National Landscape, contributing to its character and ‘sense of place’.

Trees and hedgerows are crucial for biodiversity, providing habitats for animals, birds, insects and fungi. They also contribute to the network of habitats which enable wildlife to move through the landscape. They act as a store of carbon, and are key in reducing and mitigating the impacts of climate change. They can reduce soil loss, support pollinators, and slow surface water flow to help prevent flooding.

Tree planting is a key component of meeting the UK target to become carbon neutral by 2030.

In the sensitive protected landscapes of National Landscapes and National Parks it is crucial that landscape character is taken into account when considering tree and hedge planting, or any other activity to lock up carbon.

View of trees in wood
Ashmore. © Jamie Randall

Right Tree, Right Place on Cranborne Chase

The trees that we plant today will become part of this protected landscape for decades, even centuries. It is therefore essential that we get it right.

It is crucial that landscape character is taken into account when considering tree planting in protected landscapes like Cranborne Chase. Planting the wrong kind of tree, or planting it in the wrong place, can result in unintended negative consequences: for nature, heritage, views, and the appearance of the landscape.

Choosing the right species of tree for a particular location is a key consideration, taking into account the soil type, aspect, and the adjoining habitats. Of course, one thing to avoid is planting trees on other rare or sensitive habitats.

Hedges are also not typical of the open downland character of Cranborne Chase National Landscape, and planting can have unintended adverse impacts on open and expansive viewpoints, and the character of previously open downland roads.

If you are thinking of planting a single tree, or a larger plantation scheme, on Cranborne Chase National Landscape then refer to our ‘Right Tree, Right Place’ guidance below for further information.

If you would like to discuss your plans for tree planting further, get in touch with our planning team on info@cranbornechase.org.uk or call 01725 517417.