The National Landscape Historic Environment Action Plans, or HEAPs for short, provide a summary of the key characteristics of the historic environment of the National Landscape at a landscape scale.
The Historic Environment includes all archaeological and historic aspects of the landscape including buildings, settlements, archaeological sites, and the the wider historic landscape character.
HEAPs are based on a robust evidence base including Historic Environment Records, the National Landscape Historic Landscape Characterisation, and other studies and documents.
The summary of key characteristics are split into two interrelated parts:
- Geographically discrete Historic Landscape Character Areas
- National Landscape wide Historic Landscape Themes
The HEAP project has provided a statement of significance for each area and theme and detail the condition and issues of the characteristics identified.
The project also details forces for change affecting the historic characteristics of the landscape.
The Historic Environment Action Plans are funded by English Heritage and are designed as a best practice exemplar for other protected areas.
The production of the HEAPs is overseen by a dedicated steering group.
For further information regarding the HEAPS Project, please see the dedicated Historic Landscape National Landscape Website.