The Nurturing Nature project aims to train over 100 people who have little or no experience in wildlife surveying to become ‘biological recorders’ on Cranborne Chase.
Project aims
The ‘Nurturing Nature’ project focuses on the distinctive flora and fauna of the Chase & Chalke Landscape Partnership area.
- To engage new volunteers with training, biodiversity monitoring, mentoring and practical action.
- To improve understanding of biodiversity in the Cranborne Chase & Chalke Valley area, and to set a new baseline of information about the landscape which will inform priorities for action.
- To promote the importance of this landscape, and the species that rely upon it, as well as to raise awareness of risks to the habitats of the landscape.
Project development
Volunteer training and engagement
Since the start of the Nurturing Nature project, 212 people have been trained in wildlife survey across approximately 79 training sessions. These sessions have taken place in the form of online courses, in-the-field training, and in-person talks and sessions.
Volunteer trainees have taken courses in wildlife survey covering various topics and fields, depending on their interest.
Below you can find the list of delivered training sessions as of January 2024.
Nurturing Nature delivered training courses
Woodland Plant Identification Day
All about Beavers Online Talk
All About Glow Worms Online Talk
All About Hedgehogs Online Talk
All about Otters Online Talk
An Introduction to Beetles
An Introduction to Bryophytes (Mosses)
An Introduction to Fungi – 4 Week Online Course
An Introduction to Moth Trapping – Coombe Bissett Down
An Introduction to Reptiles – 3 Week Online Course
An Introduction to Tracks and Signs – 2 Week Online Course
Ancient Woodland Indicator Species (Online Training)
Aquatic Plant Species Identification Online Course
Arable Plant Identification Training Day
Badger Webinar
Barn Owl Pellet Dissection Workshop
Basic Mammal Identification Training (Two-Part Course) by the Mammal Society
Bats of Wiltshire Online Talk
Beetle Identification Training Day
Beginners Bird Online course
Beginners Bumblebee Identification Training
Beginners Bumblebee Identification Training
Botanical Anatomy Course
Broad Chalke Bat Walk
Brown Hare Talk
Bryophytes Online Course
Bumblebee Identification Day
Butterfly Identification Workshop
Chalk Grassland Training Day
Climate and Ecological Crisis? – What’s all the fuss about? Online Talk
Common Shrew Webinar – MS Pre-Recorded
Crayfish Online Talk
Creating Barn Owl Heaven Online Talk
Deer Identification Webinar
Discovering Amphibians: Online Course
Discovering Badgers: Online Course
Discovering UK Otters: Online Course
Dormouse Survey Training Course
Dragonfly Identification Training Day
Dragonfly Online Talk
Dung Beetle Online Talk
Earthworm Recording Webinar
Farmland Bird Identification Online Course
Ferns Online Course
Fungi Identification Training Day
Gardening for Earthworms Online Talk
General Mammal ID and Recording Online Course
Grass Identification Online Course Part 1
Grass Identification Online Course Part 2
Great Bustard Group Online Talk
Harvest Mouse National Survey Webinar
Harvest Mouse Survey WMG
Harvest Mouse Webinar
Hedgehog Webinar – MS Pre-Recorded
Hedgerow Survey Online Talk
Identifying Trees in Winter Online Webinar
iNaturalist Recording App Online Training
Intermediate Bumblebee Identification Training
Introduction to Lichens Online Webinar (Pre-Recorded)
Introduction to Moths
Invasive Species Online course
Ladybird Online Talk
Late Season Grass Identification Course
Living Churchyards Training
Mammal Skull Identification Webinar
Mammal Tracks and Signs Day
Monitoring Mammals Webinar
Orchid Training Day
Pollinator Tutorial
Recording Slugs Online Talk
Restoring the Balance – Barn Owl Online Talk
Riverfly Training
Summer Tree Identification course
Urban Foxes Webinar – MS Pre-Recorded
Water Vole Ecology and Field Signs Online Training
Weeds, Bits and Beards Online Webinar (Pre-Recorded)
Winter Tree Identification course
Woodland Bird Identification Online Course
Woodland Botany Online Course
In order to engage volunteers with the project, team members from the Wiltshire and Swindon Biological Records Centre hosted many ‘Coffee & Cake’ sessions in cafes dotted around the Chase & Chalke LP area. These sessions were designed to invite people curious about getting involved with the project to be able to meet and chat about the opportunities available and how they could get started.
So far, 18 of these Coffee & Cake sessions have taken place since the start of the project, as well as an outdoor engagement effort at Stourhead Estate.
Across training and events, volunteers have spent 4,871 hours engaging with the Nurturing Nature project.
Nature surveys in the field

- Hedgerow Survey
- Pollinators
- Wildflowers and Grasses
- Butterflies
- Reptiles
- Aquatic Mammals
- Bees
- Birds
- Mammals
Survey data is entered into an app called iNaturalist, where sighting data is stored and transferred, and shared with scientific data repositories.
Understanding biodiversity and the landscape

Practical conservation and environmental improvements

Get involved
Training Opportunities

Find out about the training opportunities of the Nurturing Nature project.
Learn MoreLearn more about the Nurturing Nature project
Find out more by viewing our Project Summary here:
A new wave of wildlife surveyors
Our new surveyors will get expert training in variety of new survey skills, including surveying for butterflies, farmland and woodland birds, mammals, tree and hedgerow survey, woodland botany, chalk grassland species, arable plants and fungi.
Practical conservation and Nurturing Nature
The survey work generated from this project will form the foundation for setting a new baseline of information.
This will help us better understand the state of biodiversity of the Chase & Chalke area and help us identify where practical conservation work could help improve habitats for wildlife.
By mobilising our Practical Conservation Volunteers our aim is to work with local farmers and landowners to help them carry out practical conservation work to improve, and perhaps create new, habitats on their land.
Join the new wave today
Free training, unique volunteering opportunities, incredible experiences, in an amazing landscape.
We need new champions of the area to identify, record, promote and take action to help wildlife. Join us today.
Over the coming weeks we’ll be adding training and volunteering opportunities to the Chase & Chalke Volunteer Hub. To keep up to date on how you can become part of the new wave of wildlife surveyors and find out more about all of our free training and volunteering opportunities, click here.