A New Wave of Wildlife Surveyors
As part of the Nurturing Nature project, the Chase & Chalke team are organising expert training in a variety of new survey skills.
The special landscapes of the Chase & Chalke area are currently under-recorded. The ‘Nurturing Nature’ project aims to address this by training members of the public in the skills needed to become wildlife surveyors.
Why is Survey Information Important?
Survey information is vital in order to monitor the health of different habitats.
Data that is collected by members of the public and volunteers is extremely important and will allow the Chase & Chalke Partnership to identify threats to habitat health.
Free Training Courses with the ‘Nurturing Nature’ Project
Our new surveyors will get expert training in variety of new survey skills.
Training will take place both in the field and in other locations, and will include session from beginner to more advanced.
Click here to view all training opportunities on Eventbrite
Chalk Grassland Surveying
- Chalk Grassland Species
- Butterflies of Chalk Grassland
- Orchid ID on Chalk Grassland
Woodland Survey
- Butterflies of Woodlands & Wider countryside/Hedgerows
- Woodland Birds
- Tree Identification & Survey
- Veteran Trees and Their Survey
- Hedgerow Survey
- Woodland Botany
- Introduction to Fungi
Farmland Survey
- Bats
- Farmland Birds
- Farmland Mammal Survey
Additional Specialist Training
Specialist species group include:
- Harvest Mouse Survey
- Bats – Introduction to Acoustic ID
- Dormouse Survey and Monitoring
- Moth Trapping
- & More
Working with Farmers and Landowners
We’ll be working with local farmers and landowners to undertake surveys on their land to develop a landscape-scale approach to surveys and to identify where habitat improvements could be made.
How to Get Involved
Register on our Volunteer Hub today and you’ll be able to keep up to date with training opportunities from the ‘Nurturing Nature’ project, as well as our other Chase & Chalke projects.