The Wonderful Woodlands project works with landowners, communities and individuals to help bring local woodlands back into active management.
The project aims to ensure that more woodland within the Chase & Chalke area is being positively managed for their natural, cultural and landscape value. Working with woodland owners, local communities and newly trained individuals, Wonderful Woodlands acts as a catalyst towards improving wooded areas of Cranborne Chase.
This project has been designed to address the decline in rural skills and the reduced reliance on woodlands in our economy, which has left many local woodlands without active management.
Wonderful Woodlands project Aims
- Work closely with landowners to help bring small and medium sized woodlands back into active management for their biodiversity, landscape and some economic value
- To deliver a Woodland Skills Training Programme which will provide inspiration, training and recognised certification / qualifications in many skills for young people and adults.
- To deliver ‘Woodland Wild Things’ free forest school delivered in partnership with the National Trust
- To act as a catalyst for the improvement of conditions in wooded areas, and increased knowledge of their importance
- To bring back into active management ‘showcase’ woodlands that demonstrate the wonderful benefits to wildlife, game, aesthetic, and economic value.
- To improve understanding of the benefits of managed woodlands in the wider community.

Get Involved with the ‘Wonderful Woodlands’ Project
Find out more by viewing our Project Summary here: Click below to register on our volunteer and training hub! The Chase & Chalke team offer free training opportunities as part of this project to anyone who wants to get involved. Register today to view upcoming activities to get involved with the ‘Wonderful Woodlands’ project, as well as free training & more.
Learn More About the Wonderful Woodlands Project
The Chase & Chalke Volunteer Hub
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Get Involved
If you have or know of a wood which would benefit from management but you haven’t got the time or skills to do it, please let us know. If you are interested in our Woodland Skills Training Programme, would like more information about our grants scheme or free Forest School sessions for your school or youth group please get in touch with us,