A Bird Box, Bat Box, and a Bee Brick – Cranborne Chase National Landscape and Environmental Net Gain

18th October 2022

How Cranborne Chase National Landscape is encouraging all properties to make a contribution to biodiversity and environmental net gain.


Children making bird boxes

On May 30th 2022 the Cranborne Chase National Landscape Board endorsed a Position Statement on Biodiversity Gain. The Board looks to that guidance laid out in the Position Statement having immediate effect.

The Position Statement means that each new property, or any new house seeking substantial conversion or extension, should have at least one bird box, one bat box, and one bee brick incorporated into the structure.

This level of provision is fairly basic, but it is seen by the Cranborne Chase National Landscape Board as a way of making immediate contribution to environmental net gain, rather than waiting for the outcome of the Government’s consultations on national guidance.

Our Board’s position is that this National Landscape should, without delay, make a contribution to environmental net gain whenever there is development approved, at whatever scale, within this National Landscape.

The Board has confidence that householders, planners and architects will take this guidance on board.

Property development has to comply with Building Regulations to ensure that construction works are carried out properly, and to appropriate standards. This means that items such as insulation need to be installed, and a similar approach could be adopted within Cranborne Chase National Landscape for items that contribute to biodiversity net gain.

This way wildlife will have breeding places, feeding, and winter hibernation places provided by properties.

Common features to encourage wildlife include bird boxes (in all of their forms), bat boxes, and bee bricks. Variations on the latter include log piles and insect hotels, and hedgehog boxes have proved useful.

For more information and to view our Position Statement, head to our Planning Documents page.