Planning Together for a Nationally Important Landscape
How planning can enhance biodiversity, preserve our heritage and conserve dark skies on Cranborne Chase National Landscape.
Tuesday 5th December 2023
9:30am – 4:30pm
The New Remembrance Hall, Charlton near Shaftesbury, SP7 0PL
Planning decisions in National Landscapes, designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, are made by Local Planning Authorities taking account of the adopted National Landscape Management Plan and Government policies and guidance. To achieve the national aim of conserving and enhancing this National Landscape, the Cranborne Chase team works collaboratively with planners, councils, owners, agents and the local community on planning matters.
This seminar is aimed at development management and policy planners; agents, owners, and consultants; parish and town councillors and their officers; together with community and volunteer organisations.
Why should you attend?
Join us on this interactive day, with a range of presentations, workshops, case studies, group discussion and the development of collaborative action plans, this is a fantastic opportunity to network with colleagues, peers and the National Landscape team.
This seminar supports Continuing Professional Development, and a certificate of attendance can be provided.
The seminar will include:
- What is an National Landscape? Plus news of exciting changes at Cranborne Chase.
- Compliant lighting in the Cranborne Chase International Dark Night Sky Reserve.
- Update on Landscape Character Assessment, visual intrusion, masts and land use changes.
- The importance of nature recovery and biodiversity across the National Landscape.
- Survey of churches on the National Landscape landscape with Dr Sean Beer.
- Local Listing – A Landowner’s Perspective with Sir William Hanham.
- Cranborne Chase National Landscape Management Plan Review.
The seminar will be delivered by the Cranborne Chase National Landscape team and guest speakers, including Principal Landscape and Planning Officer Richard Burden, Director of Cranborne Chase National Landscape Linda Nunn and Dark Night Sky Advisor Steve Tonkin. Plus guest speakers Dr Sean Beer, Sir William Hanham.
Tickets cost £35 (including VAT) payable by cash on the day or via invoice.
For parish councils: a reduced fee of £24 for the second and any additional delegates from the same parish council will apply.
Lunch and refreshments are included in the delegate fee.
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