Farming in Protected Landscapes webinar


 Tue 14/12/2021
 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm

Making an Application

In conjunction with Defra, the National Association of AONBs is hosting the second Farming in Protected Landscapes webinar on 14 December. If you are a farmer or land manager in or near a protected landscape (AONB or National Park) this is for you.

REGISTER HERE: Webinar Registration – Zoom

The webinar has been moved to later in the day so it doesn’t take place during December’s all too short daylight hours.

If you can’t make the webinar please register anyway – you will automatically be sent the link to the recording after the event. The programme:
• FiPL updates and a recap of the programme for anyone new
• Case study of a successful application – a practical walk-through of the application process, lessons learned, good practice, detail needed
• What farmers could consider to help decide what to apply for – from farmers who have been through the process
– Specific ideas to inspire farmers
– From simple, quick projects to new and creative ideas
– Real-life examples of things that are going ahead
• Q&A session
• A reminder of how to apply
